Career Guidance Services…

Choosing the right career is one of the most important decisions we get to make in life.   We spend an enormous amount of time at work, in yet a large portion of the population are actually not suited to the careers they’re in.  More often than old-man-scratching-headnot, careers are not planned.  They just happen through circumstances. The result – unhappy, de-motivated employees moving from one company to the next trying to find job satisfaction. The irony is, it may not be their employer causing their  unhappiness – it may be that they are unsuitably matched to the career they’re in!

You may be thinking that career guidance is only for school children who haven’t begun working as yet.  Well, my oldest career guidance client was in fact 55 years of age.  She told me that she had at least 10 years left of work and she needed to find an alternative career.  Now in her case, instead of looking at study options, we focused on brainstorming ideas based on the experience and skills she had gained in her life.  It worked and she was motivated and inspired to shift her career slightly into a similar field.   There really is no time dead-line to identify your ideal career. Whether you’re 16 or 50, the only person resisting change is yourself.  That “change” may just be for the better!  In today’s computer age, we have the means to match individuals to a range of careers by following a very simple process.     To find out more about our Career Guidance Service, please click HERE